Fat Ass 50 Km, Cameron, MO
Early New Year's Morning, a gaggle of Kansas City Trail Nerds headed north to Wallace State Park, in Cameron, Missouri to run in the 10th annual Fat Ass 50-kilometer run. It was a 1-hour drive from suburban KC. What a better way to start the year than to run a 31-mile trail run?

Bob and Sara Risser always have a very low-key and fun event, followed by some good homemade "eats" in the Park's shelter house. The Risser's have been putting-on this event for 10 years, now. Keeping in the tradition of a true “Fat Ass” New Year’s event, the run is always free of charge to enter. Prior to the start of the race, Paul Schoenlaub presented them with two 10-year anniversary jackets.

The Front-runners
The Trail Nerds all did well in the fun run. Young Caleb "Gumby" Chatfield, who's now on the regional Montrail Team, "took it easy" and did a 4:13:00 50K on the hilly, rocky, and slightly icy course. He proudly wore his new Trail Nerds long sleeve shirt in the 27-degree weather. He was having some gastro-intestinal distress, and had to stop 3 times to "eliminate" the offending issues, costing him about 10 minutes. What a better time to "do" that, than at a fun Fat Ass run?

Caleb Chatfield
2nd Place finisher, Dave "the Prince of Perry" Wakefield had a decent run and a fun time on both the course and on the finish line, with the ever-obnoxious and "frequently depraved" Trail Nerds.
Rick "Hypothermia" Mayo ran a great run, followed closely by Greg Burger "the 4th." Rick will be running at the Rocky Raccoon 100 with me in a month, and Greg will be heading to the Leadville 100, this year.
Gabe "Big and Ripped" Bevan ran a fast 50K. He also ran a very fast first 100-miler at Heartland, just 3 short months ago.
Paul "Chatterbox" Schoenlaub cruised through the run in a decent time, using it as a "social trainer." He did his traditional extra 6-mile loop and coached a friend on her last loop.
Stuart "Shawnee" Johnson ran well, followed closely by his ever-faster wife, Deb. Deb took 1st female honors. Bob "Garmin" Billings ran at a steady, "metronome" pace and did well.
I took it easy and did a slow 6:08:00, having run for 7 days straight (to have a high-mileage pre-100-miler training week). I was fine for the first 19 miles, then I had about an hour of "tough time," but I pushed through it and felt better the last 6 miles of the event. The next day I ran a short, fast 4-mile trail loop in SM Park with the Trail Nerds to loosen up. (Many of them ran one or two more 4-mile loops that same night).
Sarah Sinning ran well in her first-ever ultra. She has come a long way in a few short months. She took 2nd Female honors. Her "good friend," Brian ran a few fast loops with the front-runners, then rested his sore knees at the start/finish area, to cheer Sarah on to a good finish.
Gregg from St Joe, MO, had a sub-7-hour finish. He's come a long way in a year.
"Good Ben" Reeves was running well until he ripped a leg muscle, about 25 miles into the race. What a wuss! He could have finished if he had taken my advice and just favored the other leg 100% of the time; or walked on his hands for the last 6 miles.
"Markos" Jacquez was running very well for the first few 6-mile loops until he started dry-heaving like Mel Gibson on a pre-rant bender.
Results below.
All Fat Ass photos by Dick Ross at seekcrun.com.

Fat Ass 50 Km, Missouri Version
Cameron, Missouri
January 1, 2007
Caleb Chatfield, 27, KS 4:13:02
David Wakefield, 32, KS 4:29:00
Joe Winch, 50, IA 4:48:30
Rick Mayo, 31 4:48:38
Greg Burger, 40, KS 4:50:48
Gabe Bevan, 34 5:10:47
Paul Schoenlaub, 47 5:18:42
Ken Plumb, 54, WS 5:24:28
Stuart Johnson, 47, KS 5:41:55
Deb Johnson, 47, KS 5:51:40
Bob Billings, 42, KS 5:58:14
Ben Holmes, 49, KS 6:08:34
David Swenson, 51, IA 6:22:02
Sarah Sinning, 23, KS 6:28:28
Cindy Gronstedt, 46 6:43:55
Gregg Mikvicka, 41 6:49:40

Bob and Sara Risser always have a very low-key and fun event, followed by some good homemade "eats" in the Park's shelter house. The Risser's have been putting-on this event for 10 years, now. Keeping in the tradition of a true “Fat Ass” New Year’s event, the run is always free of charge to enter. Prior to the start of the race, Paul Schoenlaub presented them with two 10-year anniversary jackets.

The Front-runners
The Trail Nerds all did well in the fun run. Young Caleb "Gumby" Chatfield, who's now on the regional Montrail Team, "took it easy" and did a 4:13:00 50K on the hilly, rocky, and slightly icy course. He proudly wore his new Trail Nerds long sleeve shirt in the 27-degree weather. He was having some gastro-intestinal distress, and had to stop 3 times to "eliminate" the offending issues, costing him about 10 minutes. What a better time to "do" that, than at a fun Fat Ass run?

Caleb Chatfield
2nd Place finisher, Dave "the Prince of Perry" Wakefield had a decent run and a fun time on both the course and on the finish line, with the ever-obnoxious and "frequently depraved" Trail Nerds.
Rick "Hypothermia" Mayo ran a great run, followed closely by Greg Burger "the 4th." Rick will be running at the Rocky Raccoon 100 with me in a month, and Greg will be heading to the Leadville 100, this year.
Gabe "Big and Ripped" Bevan ran a fast 50K. He also ran a very fast first 100-miler at Heartland, just 3 short months ago.
Paul "Chatterbox" Schoenlaub cruised through the run in a decent time, using it as a "social trainer." He did his traditional extra 6-mile loop and coached a friend on her last loop.
Stuart "Shawnee" Johnson ran well, followed closely by his ever-faster wife, Deb. Deb took 1st female honors. Bob "Garmin" Billings ran at a steady, "metronome" pace and did well.
I took it easy and did a slow 6:08:00, having run for 7 days straight (to have a high-mileage pre-100-miler training week). I was fine for the first 19 miles, then I had about an hour of "tough time," but I pushed through it and felt better the last 6 miles of the event. The next day I ran a short, fast 4-mile trail loop in SM Park with the Trail Nerds to loosen up. (Many of them ran one or two more 4-mile loops that same night).
Sarah Sinning ran well in her first-ever ultra. She has come a long way in a few short months. She took 2nd Female honors. Her "good friend," Brian ran a few fast loops with the front-runners, then rested his sore knees at the start/finish area, to cheer Sarah on to a good finish.
Gregg from St Joe, MO, had a sub-7-hour finish. He's come a long way in a year.
"Good Ben" Reeves was running well until he ripped a leg muscle, about 25 miles into the race. What a wuss! He could have finished if he had taken my advice and just favored the other leg 100% of the time; or walked on his hands for the last 6 miles.
"Markos" Jacquez was running very well for the first few 6-mile loops until he started dry-heaving like Mel Gibson on a pre-rant bender.
Results below.
All Fat Ass photos by Dick Ross at seekcrun.com.

Fat Ass 50 Km, Missouri Version
Cameron, Missouri
January 1, 2007
Caleb Chatfield, 27, KS 4:13:02
David Wakefield, 32, KS 4:29:00
Joe Winch, 50, IA 4:48:30
Rick Mayo, 31 4:48:38
Greg Burger, 40, KS 4:50:48
Gabe Bevan, 34 5:10:47
Paul Schoenlaub, 47 5:18:42
Ken Plumb, 54, WS 5:24:28
Stuart Johnson, 47, KS 5:41:55
Deb Johnson, 47, KS 5:51:40
Bob Billings, 42, KS 5:58:14
Ben Holmes, 49, KS 6:08:34
David Swenson, 51, IA 6:22:02
Sarah Sinning, 23, KS 6:28:28
Cindy Gronstedt, 46 6:43:55
Gregg Mikvicka, 41 6:49:40
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